More is More #05

ACCESS IS LOVE with Lina Maria Pietras and Filip Pawlak about the commitment to the transformation towards an inclusive world.

More is More öffnet einen dritten Raum für informelle, professionelle Begegnungen und Austausch. Hier können Akteur:innen der Tanz und Performing Arts Szene aus unterschiedlichen Ansichten und Erfahrungsspektren gegenseitig schöpfen und lernen.

Unter dem Titel Acces is Love laden wir Lina Maria Pietras und Filip Pawlak ein, um über das Engagement für die Verwandlung zu einer inklusiven Welt für Menschen mit und ohne Behinderungen zu sprechen. Eine Welt, in der wir anderen besser nachfühlen können. Eine Welt, in der sich niemand festlegen muss, zu welcher Gruppe sie gehören, sondern selbst wählen und entscheiden darf.

Lina Maria Pietras – an Executive & Business Coach, Leadership Trainer and Keynote Speaker. In addition to her passion for leadership she sees her clients through change processes. In doing so she guides them to a completely new perspective on their own strengths and weaknesses, which enables them to unfold their own potential. 
She is committed to re-thinking existing structures, going where nobody would expect her to go and to always setting herself new goals. Drawing on her German-Brazilian roots, living with significant visual impairment since childhood and walking a sinuous life story path, Lina Maria Pietrasf is her own Case Study proving that visions, aims and their implementation are intimately linked and can be activated if properly defined.

Filip Pawlak – producer, performer and activist, queer disabled person. Currently co-curator of Learning Journeys project (Beyond Acced Europe in cooperation with British Council), former head of production department in International Culture Center Nowy Teatr in Warsaw. Member of IETM and Global Connectors project. In the past, associated with the polish performative arts scene and Rafał Urbacki participatory projects. In work, focused on increasing the availability of performing arts to people with alternative motorics and disabilities.

Unterstützt durch das NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ – STEPPING OUT, gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen der Initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Hilfsprogramm Tanz.