More is More #08

PHYSICAL REALM IN A DIGITAL WORLD with Brigitte Huezo and Maren Butte about the Digital Stage and if YES, HOW?

More is More opens up a third space for informal, professional encounters and exchange. Here, actors from the dance and performing arts scene can draw on and learn from each other’s diverse views and experiences.

More is More #08 Physical realm in a Digital world challenges Brigitte Huezo (Choreographer, Dancer and Performer) and Maren Butte (Department of Media- and Culture Studies, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf) to answer the question of performing arts digital production: what can the digital world can bring to the physical realm? and if YES, then HOW?

Brigitte Huezo (they/them Pronouns) is a dancer, performer and choreographer. They were born in El Salvador and currently work and live in Cologne. They earned a BA in Dance at the University of Music and Dance Cologne (2021) with the support of the DAAD and private scholarships. They are interested in deconstructing our perception of the body and its future in an increasingly technological and virtual world. The last work cycle 2020-2021 “Portraits” involved research that brings together hybrid, non-binary identities and the classical genre of ‘Portrait’ in paintings. Presently they conduct a research on the body e.g. in the field of cyberfeminism on a long term project “DEAD CODE MUST BE ALIVE!” Using the metaphor of an endless dystopian body of data, it explores the hyperreal visibility of cyberfeminism in hybrid spaces.,

Maren Butte (Dr. phil.) ist Juniorprofessorin für Theaterwissenschaft / Performance Studies am Institut für Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. Sie forscht und lehrt zum Verhältnis von Medien und Affekt, Technikgeschichte(n) des Theaters und zur Theorie und Ästhetik zeitgenössischer Performance und Choreographie im Kontext digitaler Medien. Sie ist u.a. 2020 Hg. des Volumes Technologien des Performativen Das Theater und seine Techniken über die Technologisierung des Theaters: von den Körpertechniken des Schauspielens, Tanzens und Singens zu digitaler Medienperformance und Game Theatre und 2022 Veranstalter der Tagung Aufteilung des Sinnlichen. (Medien-)Ästhetik und Politik in der Gegenwart.

Supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK – STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR. Dance aid programme.