More is More opens up a third space for informal, professional encounters and exchange. Here, actors from the dance and performing arts scene can draw on and learn from each other’s diverse views and experiences.
Reut Shemesh is a choreographer and media artist from Israel who has received top funding from the state of NRW and is based in Cologne.
Her plays and films are shown at various national and international production houses and festivals. In Germany, these include the Tanzplattform, the Impulse Theatre Festival and the tanz nrw Festival as well as the tanzhaus nrw, HELLERAU in Dresden and Kampnagel in Hamburg. In 2016, she won the Cologne Dance Theatre Prize with her piece LEVIAH and was highlighted as a 2019 hopeful by tanz magazine. She is currently a Factory Artist (artist in residence) at tanzhaus nrw in Düsseldorf and regularly lectures at Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences and the University of Cologne.
Her piece ‘Bad Mothers’ for the acting ensemble of the Oberhausen Theatre premiered in March 2022. A longer collaboration with the production house fABULEUS in Belgium begins this summer.
Enkidu Khaled (born in Baghdad, living in Brussels) is a theatre maker and performer. He studied theatre at the Institute of Fine Arts of Baghdad and holds a master degree from the International Theatre Institute DasArts, Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (AHK). During his study in Amsterdam (2014-2017), he developed the “Working Method” which he implements in his art education practice addressing professionals and amateurs.
In 2016 “The Working Method” won the “Big in Belgium” award and was presented at the Edinburgh Festival. For his documentary theatre piece “Baghdad” he got awarded with the Best Acting Performance at the MESS International Theatre Festival Sarajevo in 2018. His latest theatre play “Bar by bar, night by night, story by story, onward!” adapted for stage the debut novel of the Iraqi writer Hassan Blasim and premiered in 2021 in KaaiTheatre Brussel. He is currently working as an associate artist at Toneelacademie Maastricht.
Supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK – STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR. Dance aid programme.